The style 143583footwear of footwear which are displaying here is one of our production. With view on style 143583footwear, you may be say that it has been shown on other website. Yes, I admit that 143583footwear style already has been a product all over the world, but the style 143583footwear is true be production from our factory in China although is processed for one brand.
A classy pair of sandals. I especially like the detail in the strap – they're not entirely black but have a little silver peeping through. I wear a size 8.5 that is more on the 9 side than the 8 side, and sometimes have trouble with Cole Haan shoes being too short. These are fine in length but were a bit tight. It took a few wears to stretch them a little and now they are fine. I should also mention that my foot is on the narrow side. If your foot is a longer 8.5 and wide, then get the 9.
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