
Free footwear:footwear-143363

The style footwear-143363 of footwear which are displaying here is one of our production. With view on style footwear-143363, you may be say that it has been shown on other website. Yes, I admit that footwear-143363 style already has been a product all over the world, but the style footwear-143363 is true be production from our factory in China although is processed for one brand. related:BS-71022

A REAL SHOE - When I took the Kumfs out of the box I immediately dubbed them as being "a pair of real shoes", meaning, it is obvious that this shoe is intended to last for a very long time (the designer who made this shoe was not playing around). Everything about it says quality, sturdy and secure. They are beautifully and professionally crafted, very true to size, they also fit very comfortably. I wear size 11W and like the majority of women with large feet, you don't want a shoe that visually enhances the size of your feet. This is a lot of shoe. I was so amazed at how big they looked that I held them against each pair of dress shoes that I have, even one pair of size 12M and these shoes were so much larger and longer than all of the other shoes by far. Unfortunately, they also looked huge on my already big feet. I have taken these shoes out of the box and tried them on as I looked in the mirror to see how they looked on me several times because I would really like to keep the shoe but I also want to be happy with my decision. As I said before, these shoes are beautiful but remind me of Frankenstein's enormous shoes each time I try them on. I think that I am trying to convince myself to keep them because they are "Quality" shoes but I'm still not sure.


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